About PlayTogether NYC
At PlayTogether NYC, we celebrate the joy of learning and maturing through play. We believe that small class sizes, individual attention, a rich varied curriculum, and commitment to group play are the best ways to help our 3s, and 4s develop social skills, social learning, and analytical reasoning. Our unique play-based program is focused on joyful learning and individualized plans. We know that each child is unique, and has his or her own interests, skills, and pace of development. Therefore, we work with each child and family to create a custom Personal Development Plan.
We are very excited to be a part of the citywide Universal Pre-K for All program. This is an exciting initiative of Mayor DeBlasio that provides funded programs for 3 and 4-year-olds at no cost to NYC families. PlayTogether’s existing clients have first priority for the UPK seats. In other words, once a student is enrolled at PlayTogether for 3K, they are guaranteed a spot in the 4K class the following year. This is a huge advantage for our families. It also means that students can have the stability of staying in our school for two years, growing with peers while staying familiar with the space and staff.